VPNZ ± Air has been a leading vacuum and low pressure air pump supplier to New Zealand for more than 15 years. As a family owned company we pride ourselves on high levels of service and expertise. VPNZ ± Air is an independent company whose aim is to reduce energy costs associated with compressed air systems.
In short, we specialise in reducing the compressed air demand on main factory air compressors. As a result, you maintain air supply necessary for production requirements. We aim to switch compressors off to reduce your electric bill and reduce your Carbon Footprint…That’s Energy Saving!
Leak Detection and Air Flow Measurement
Air compressors usually convert just 15% of electrical energy into compressed air energy. The other 85% is converted to heat, which is often wasted. A well-managed compressed air system can save 20% or more of the electricity used to power the system. And a heat recovery system can recover 70% of wasted heat to offset boiler use or other process heat needs. The most likely areas of energy waste in air compressors are off load running, leakage, excess system pressure drop and inappropriate operating pressure. VPNZ ± Air have skilled technicians that when engaged, can optimise your existing air compressor. This ensures there’s no wastage of energy costing you money.
VPNZ ± Air has recently been appointed an EECA Programme Partner. Further information can be found on the EECA website. Air Audits is free to some users, please click on this link for further information.
Get The Best From Your Compressed Air System