Home / Vacuum Pumps / High Vacuum / Parts | High Vacuum / E08666000, OscillatorE08666000, OscillatorE08666000, Oscillator Category: Parts | High Vacuum Description Additional information Description+GSTE08666000, OscillatorModel: E08666000Shipping Weight: 1kgManufactured by: EdwardsAdditional informationBrandEdwardsRelated products B27158081, ISO200 Centring ring Stainless Steel & trapped Viton Enquire B27158063, ISO63 Co-Seal Nitrile Enquire B27158074, ISO160 Co-Seal Polymer/Fluoroelastomer Enquire A46203000, MF100 Outlet mist filter Enquire Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Product of Interest *Name *FirstLastEmail *Comment or Message *WebsiteSubmit